On this website, I am very open about being a work in progress. I am still not at the best physical fitness level that I could be at, but I am consistently working on it. And that’s honestly all that I can do, keep on going and pushing to reach my goals. And that’s what you can do too!
But, I can’t run that far or that fast!
Sure you can’t if you are sitting on the couch. But we all start somewhere. My favorite thing is people who say that they can’t run that far or for that long. Running far takes training and progress and so does running long. But you can’t do that unless you try.
That’s why when you decided to take those first steps to a healthier and active lifestyle it is best to start slow. You don’t want to push yourself too hard to start, because you aren’t going to get anywhere if you injure yourself. My favorite suggestions for new runners is to try a Run / Walk / Run intervals.
Wait, if I walk am I still a runner?
Yes! Doing Run / Walk / Run is a form of interval training, It also helps reduce the risk of injury and muscle fatigue. You know for like when after a long run you would like to actually live life. You can do awesome things with this method. And hell, you can even PR.
True story, I still do it.
Sometimes I will set a timer and follow an exact time period. And sometimes I will listen to my body and when I feel fatigue take a recovery period. They work for me and especially with a training plan, I find myself increasing my miles and even feeling lest fatigued during my run periods.
And in case you guys didn’t know this is called the Galloway Method. And here is a great article on the Galloway Method by Jeff Galloway himself.
So guys ultimately it is perfectly okay to do this, there have even been people who have qualified for Boston following this form of interval running.
Let me know if you run / walk / run?